Archive | January, 2017

Doctor Strange

18 Jan

Doctor-Strange-(1)I’ll admit, when I first saw the trailers for Doctor Strange, I stepped backwards a bit fearing it was going to be Marvel’s first fumble, for all those reasons you could imagine – It was using the same distortion styles as Inception, the story didn’t seem appealing and not even the cast, a very well picked one, btw, would be able to hold it… At least, on this judgment alone, I thought this one would crash on take-off.

I’m relieved to tell you this take-off wasn’t just successful, this one is probably the best trip you’ll ever take on your life. The visuals are fantastic, the action is great, the acting is spot-on and even the comedy hits all the timings here. Despite comparisons with Inception, for its visual style, or the origin story being a hybrid between Tony Stark and Thor, there’s something incredibly organic in this one, only feeling forced or rushed at very specific points. That’s about the only chink in the armor for this story, it’s perfectly fine and Scott Derrickson does everything he can with it.

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